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我国将煤层按倾斜程度划分为缓倾斜、倾斜和急倾斜三类。所谓的“大倾角”煤层并没有确切的定义,但一般将煤体倾斜程度为30-55°或35-60°的煤层被约定俗成为的“大倾角”煤层。笔者注意到,日本学者K Kawai于1934年在其“ON COAL CUTTERS AT SUNAGAWA COLLIERY”(Shigen-to-Sozai,1934,50:256-260)一文中提到“very highly inclined seam”,从其字面理解似乎应为“急倾斜煤层”。而另一日本学者古賀進于1955年在“自然発火及びガス突出しやすい急傾斜褶曲炭層に対する採炭法の合理化”(日本鉱業会誌,1955,No.805,333-339)中”提到“steeply-inclined folded coal seams”,所指的是“a dip of 40-60°”(或“a dip of 40°-50°”)的煤层,若仅从“steeply-inclined folded coal seams”字面理解似乎为“急倾斜煤层”,但从其实际倾斜度看,却对应的是我们当今的所谓“大倾角煤层”。

波兰学者DI Filippov于1955年发表的“Shaftless method of undergound gasification of steeply dipping coal seams with combustion zone located along the dip line of the seam and gasification... (《Podzemn.gazif.uglei》,1955,4-5)涉及的是“steeply dipping coal seams”;Wisecarver, D W等在“Mining a steeply dipping coal seam in the United States by longwall”(International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts,1984)中也提及到“steeply dipping coal seam”;前苏联学者D. T. Gorbachev 和 A. N. Oreshkin于1971年发表在Journal of Mining Science的“Results of compression tests on coal-cement specimens, simulating a coal seam, in bench tests of machines for cutting steeply-dipping and inclined seams”涉及的是“steeply-dipping and inclined seams”;Jeremic, M I等在“Stress analysis in underground extraction of steeply dipping thick coal seams ”(International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts, 1981,Vol.18,No.4,p72)中探讨的是“steeply dipping thick coal seams”;T Goto等在“Microseismic activity induced by hydraulic mining of steeply inclined coal seams”(Ser. Rock Soil Mech.; 1984)涉及到“steeply inclined coal seams”。

其实,在国外学者的相关论文中,并没有非常明确地区分我们所理解的“大倾角煤层”和“急倾斜煤层”中,也就是说,他们似乎“混淆”了两者的“区别”....所以,将“大倾角煤层”可英译为“steeply dipping coal seams”或“steeply inclined coal seams”。需要注意的是,国外学者论文中的“steeply dipping coal seams”或“steeply inclined coal seams”既可指我们约定俗成的“大倾角煤层”,也可能是我们所理解的“急倾斜煤层”。因此,“extremely steeply dipping coal seams”或“extremely steeply inclined coal seams”中的“extremely”似乎有点画蛇添足了,因为“steeply”的本意中就含有“extremely”的意思。