ESI(Essential Science Indicators,基本科学指标)是ISI (Institute for Scientific Information,美国科学情报研究所)推出跟踪科学发展趋势与衡量科学研究绩效的分析评价工具。ESI高被引论文(Highly cited Papers)是指近10年内发表且被引次数排在相应学科领域全球前1%以内的论文。
序号 |
论文标题 |
来源 |
我校作者及单位 |
我校作者排名 |
研究领域 |
1 |
A GIS-based comparative study of Dempster-Shafer, logistic regression and artificial neural network models for landslide susceptibility mapping |
GEOCARTO INT 32 (4): 367-385 2017 |
陈 伟
地环 |
第一 |
地球科学 |
2 |
Dielectric properties and thermal conductivity of core-shell structured Ni@NiO/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composites |
J ALLOYS COMPOUNDS 693: 1-8 FEB 5 2017 |
周文英 化工 |
第一 |
材料科学 |
3 |
A comparative study of logistic model tree, random forest, and classification and regression tree models for spatial prediction of landslide susceptibility |
CATENA 151: 147-160 APR 2017 |
陈 伟
地环 |
第一 |
农业科学 |
4 |
Geochemical and mineralogical evidence for a coal-hosted uranium deposit in the Yili Basin, Xinjiang, northwestern China |
ORE GEOL REV 70: 1-30 OCT 2015 |
杨建业 材料 |
第二 |
地球科学 |
5 |
Rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility assessment at the Chongren area (China) using frequency ratio, certainty factor, and index of entropy |
GEOCARTO INT 32 (2): 139-154 2017 |
陈 伟
地环 |
第二 |
地球科学 |
6 |
A Nonlocal Weighted Joint Sparse Representation Classification Method for Hyperspectral Imagery |
IEEE J SEL TOP APPL EARTH OBS 7 (6): 2056-2065 SP. ISS. SI JUN 2014 |
黄远程 测绘 |
第三 |
地球科学 |
7 |
Hyperspectral Image Classification by Nonlocal Joint Collaborative Representation With a Locally Adaptive Dictionary |
IEEE TRANS GEOSCI REMOT SEN 52 (6): 3707-3719 JUN 2014 |
黄远程 测绘 |
第三 |
地球科学 |
8 |
Unravelling surface and interfacial structures of a metal-organic framework by transmission electron microscopy |
NAT MATER 16 (5): 532-+ MAY 2017 |
郑 斌
材料 |
第三 |
材料科学 |
9 |
Enhanced Structural Stability of Nickel-Cobalt Hydroxide via Intrinsic Pillar Effect of Metaborate for High-Power and Long-Life Supercapacitor Electrodes |
NANO LETT 17 (1): 429-436 JAN 2017 |
李 赛
化工 |
第六 |
物理学 |