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★adsorbates e.g. These authors found that the dimensional changes in coals were negligible after evacuation of the adsorbates from their experimental apparatus and, thus, swelling appeared to be largely reversible under laboratory conditions.

★adsorption e.g. In addition, adsorption samples were taken after the coal in the canisters was desorbed over many weeks.

★adsorption capacity

★adsorption isotherm e.g. There are no standards for adsorption isotherm analyses; The adsorption isotherms were determined volumetrically using a regulated gas supply system that delivers a constant gas pressure at pre-defined settings up to 4300 kPa methane.

★adsorption isotherm model e.g. The Langmuir adsorption isotherm model was used to define the isotherm curve at the test temperature and pressure.

★adsorption isotherm parameters

★adsorption properties

★adsorption-induced expansion of coal

★adsorption-induced swelling of coals

★affinity chromatography separation e.g. Affinity CS is important at the later life of a reservoir when reservoir pressure declines to below the critical sorption pressure.

★ash yield value


★basinal burial processes e.g. In contrast, the CBM reservoirs in the areas surrounding Wells-B and -C probably were influenced only through "normal" basinal burial processes.

★biogenic methane e.g. These data indicate methane generation by microbial CO2 reduction with minor amounts of thermogenic methane contribution to the coal seam gas, and support the overwhelming contribution of biogenic methane to the Seelyville coal gas produced in this field, as in other coal seams in Indiana.

★boiling point

★borehole configurations

★butane 丁烷

★calorific value

★canister desorption tests

★Carbondale Group e.g. The formations of the Carbondale Group contain prominent coal seams of economic value for mining and CBM production in Indiana.

★CBM e.g. As described above, most CBM plays are likely to follow "simple" burial/maturation trend.

★characterization experiments

★chemical de-volatilization e.g. Rank increases through a process of chemical de-volatilization that involves the thermokinetic generation of large volumes of methane (Hunt, 1979);Methane derived from the chemical de-volatilization of coal is termed thermogenic.

★chromatography separation e.g. … a form of chromatography separation (CS) occurs in the reservoir. CS can also occur as part of other reservoir engineering problems such as chemical flood, tracer injection, gas flooding, and sour acid gas injection; The issue of CS is sensible for the systems where the diameters of the pores are small and their lengths are large, i.e., pores in shale. The CS process occurs mainly in shale matrix, e.g., network of nanopores.

★cleat system of the coal

★CO2-induced coal swelling

★coal e.g. Of the major fossil fuels, coal, oil, and natural gas, it is coal that is the most carbon intensive.

★coal and gas shale rock

★coal attributes

★coal bed e.g. Coal beds are composed almost entirely of organic material and are primarily classified by their level of maturation (or "rank"); Similistically, in any sedimentary basin, the rank of coal beds will follow Hilt's Law, that is, the deeper the coal bed, the higher the rank (Thomas, 2007).

★coal bed reservoir

★coal composition

★coal dust management

★coal gas e.g. These data indicate methane generation by microbial CO2 reduction with minor amounts of thermogenic methane contribution to the coal seam gas, and support the overwhelming contribution of biogenic methane to the Seelyville coal gas produced in this field, as in other coal seams in Indiana

★coal geometry

★coal macromolecule

★coal matrix

★coal matrix shrinkage functions

★coal maturity

★coal mine gas explosion risk control and procedures

★coal mine methane (CMM)

★coal mining safety e.g. The objective of the document was to promote coal mining safety and to promote its use for energy production and for greenhouse gas reduction.

★coal parameters

★coal permeability

★coal pressure

★coal properties

★coal reservoir

★coal reservoir volumetrics and deliverability e.g. After completing necessary input parameters related to coal reservoir volumetrics and deliverability at the well locations, history matching exercise was initiated.

★coal resources

★coal samples e.g. Coal samples were crushed to a nominal top size of - 212um and approximately 100 g was placed into a high pressure adsorption canister and evacuated for 1 h.

★coal seam degasification e.g. Coal seam degasification is a means to recover energy from the methane gas retained in coal; coal seam gas production, or degasification, can be achieved prior-to- (CBM),during-, or in post-mining phases (CMM) using vertical or horizontal wellbores, depending on the geological conditions and properties of the coal.

★coal seam gas

★coal seam pressures

★coal seam reservoir model e.g. Most of the reservoir and coal-related properties required by the coal seam reservoir model were generated using geostatistics, as described in the previous section.

★coal seams e.g. The Balipapan Formation (Miocene age) in Sangatta, East Kalimantan is thick (〉1500 m) containing abundant coal seams that range in thickness from less than a meter to over 5 m; coal seams are distributed throughout the section and may represent 5 to 7% of the total formation thickness.

★coal swelling e.g. They found that CO2 could swell coals ranging from about 0.36% to 1.31% volumetrically, whereas a non-adsorbed gas such as helium produced negligible dimension changes to the coal samples; Several attempts have been made to quantify the relationship between gas adsorption and the swelling of coals.

★coal-bearing strata

★coalbed methane

★coalbed methane (CBM) extraction e.g. Initially, coalbed methane (CBM) extraction was targeted at higher rank coals (bituminous and greater) because of the generally higher gas content and pressures.

★coalbed methane basins

★coalbed methane reservoir

★coalbed reserviors

★coal-rock dusts

★coals and gas shale rocks e.g. Coals and gas shale rocks are structural and chemical heterogeneous porous materials with porosity and PSDs varying throughout.

★coal's in-situ conditions

★combustion furnace

★compositional analyses e.g. Compositional analyses of the produced gas from the Seelyville Coal, which can be considered as "dry" gas with an average C2+ concentration of only 0.03.

★compositional variations (of the produced gas in shale gas wells) e.g. Compositional variations in produced gas arise from the differences in physical and chemical properties of the gas components. Important physical properties include molecular size and geometry, while important chemical properties include sorption affinity of the gas components.

★compressibility factor

★core holes e.g. Three core holes were drilled in late 2009 and early 2010 near the township of Sangatta in the Kutai regency of the Province Kalimantan Iimur for the purpose of gas and petrophysical testing.

★cumulative frequency e.g. The distinction is made between cumulative frequency and cumulative thickness because the former gives an indication of the number and types of coal seams whereas the latter informs where in that thickness range most of the reservoir lies.

★cumulative thickness

★depositional development

★desorption e.g. In addition, adsorption samples were taken after the coal in the canisters was desorbed over many weeks; low rank coals may lose moisture during the desorption process resulting in unreliable estimates in maximum gas holding capacity; Briefly, the canisters were desorbed every 15 min for the first nine hours, and then every 30 min after that until the total gas desorbed was less than 10 cc, then the time was doubled; Canisters were desorbed between 10 and 20 days before being decommissioned.

★de-stressed zone

★detrital sediment

★diffusive gas flow

★diffusive gas flux

★diffusive mass fluxes

★drill hole

★drilling infill well

★dust explosion e.g. However, what may start as a small-scale methane explosion can propagate as a dust explosion violently in a large area.

★dynamic delta complex

★elemental analyses

★equilibrium moist coal samples

★ethane 乙烷

★experimental apparatus e.g. The experimental apparatus was also maintained at a fixed temperature of 35 ℃ (isothermal) with a high precision temperature controller to +/-0.1 ℃ accuracy.

★experimental gas e.g. A known volume of the experimental gas (CH4 or CO2) was injected into the sample cell.

★explosive limits

★flow behavior e.g. The model captures the flow behavior in nanopores encountered in shale gas reservoirs.

★formation e.g. The coals are numerous, with net coal thicknesses in the formation sometimes reaching over 100 m; however, individual coal beds in Balikpapan Formation are usually less than five meters in thickness, with the majority of beds being less than 1 m.

★functional groups e.g. More complex molecular models will be investigated to model the real structure of coal and gas shale rocks considering the vacancies and functional groups of the pore surfaces.

★gas e.g. The gas content of the Seelyville Coal in Indiana ranges from less than 0.5m3/t to ~5.7m3/t and it has been estimated that this coal potentially contains 0.03 trillion m3 of gas.

★gas adsorption

★gas adsorption and transport e.g. We believe that special issue will provide a foundation from which future studies will be carried out to further our understanding of gas adsorption and transport in the chemically heterogenous micro and mesopores of gas shales.

★gas analyese e.g. Prior to and after sample analyese a gas mixture of known isotopic value was injected to check the performance of the system, no sample is injected unless these are within specification.

★gas and water production rates e.g. During this production duration, gas and water production rates, flowing line pressures, and the pressure differential between the wellhead and line were continuously monitored as daily data.

★gas and water relative permeability

★gas behavior

★gas capacity

★gas capture and utilization

★gas components

★gas composition e.g. Therefore, variation of gas composition of the producing gas gives us valuable information about gas transport in the matrix.

★gas content e.g. Measured gas contents range from ﹤1 to 13 m3/t (as reserved basis); Measured gas content is strongly correlated with rank.

★gas control

★gas depletion

★gas diffusion coefficient

★gas drainage

★gas emission zone e.g. The later discussions are related to formation of gas emission zone of longwall mine and gas release from various sources within that zone.

★gas emissions e.g. …about the occurrence, release and prediction of gas emissions in coal mines.

★gas flow e.g. There are many models to describe gas flow in tight and ultratight porous media; Numerous investigations have been done on gas flow in porous media, and recent interest in unconventional gas reservoirs has led to studies focused on gas flow in low-permeability media.

★gas holding capacity e.g. Overall, there is greater gas holding capacity with increase in rank and depth; The shallowest sample has a maximum methane gas holding capacity of 2.72m3/t (ar, at 6 MPa) while the highest holding capacity is at a depth of 681 m and is 11.03 m3(ar, at MPa).

★gas isotopes

★gas law e.g. According to the gas law, higher temperatures should decrease gas holding capacity, although this not always observed in some low rank coals.

★gas layering phenomenon

★gas management

★gas mixture

★gas molecular diffusion coefficient

★gas molecules

★gas occurrence

★gas permeability e.g. Due to the dynamic changes in the coal and the redistribution of the fluids, maximum effective gas permeability increased to 56 and the average of all grid values increased to ~16 md. Owing to the importance of effective permeability in multi-phase flow compared to absolute permeability, the increase in effective permeability can be considered more important compared to the increase solely in absolute permeability due to matrix shrinkage.

★gas phase

★gas recovery

★gas reservoir

★gas samples

★gas saturation e.g. It is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss gas saturation but because of its importance a brief mention is warranted.

★gas shales e.g. Due to the size of the pores and their potential limited connectivity, gas shales exhibit extremely low permeabilities, i.e., on the order of nanoDarcies.

★gas slip effect

★gas species separation

★gas transport

★gas transport mechanisms

★gas viscosity

★gas-in-place values

★gassy areas e.g. …to separate working areas from gassy areas, since seals are the only barrier between these two sections in case of a methane explosion in the gob.

★geostatistical simulation and co-simulation methods

★geothermal gradient e.g. All three data points form a consistent line and indicate a geothermal gradient of at least 50℃/km.

★gob gas ventholes

★heat flow influence e.g. None of the individual parameter variations would conclusively indicate higher heat flow influence on the CBM reservoir in the Sangatta area.


★high-risk areas e.g. They also identify high-risk areas of a mine such as poorly ventilated areas, gob behind shields, and poorly designed areas of the drainage and in-mine gas transport system where a large amount of air is withdrawn.

★initial conditions

★initial properties

★injection and sequestration

★intermolecular forces

★intrinsic permeability e.g. The equation accurately predicts the intrinsic permeability from gas flow data.

★isotherm curve

★isotopic analysis

★Langmuir adsorption model

★liquid density

★low permeability porous media

★maceral analysis e.g. Maceral analysis indicates that all samples are vitrinite/huminite rich (80-94%, mineral matter free[mmf]).

★marine facies

★matrix block size Important reservoir parameters such as permeability, matrix block size, porosity, and contribution of the sorbed gas to gas production may be subject to history-matching analysis and therefore valuable information may be obtained by applying the results of this research.

★matrix shrinkage functions

★matrix swelling coefficient

★mean free path (the mean free path is comparable to the average pore throats)

★mesopore volumes e.g. It was further shown that Seelyville coals that had the largest specific surface area and largest mesopore volumes occurred at the shallowest depths, and the mineral-matter content influenced both specific surface area as well as mesopore and micropore volumes.

★methane in-place volume

★methane adsorption isotherm

★methane explosion

★methane generation e.g. This chapter opens with a brief discussion of methane generation while peat material is going through different coalification processes.

★methane management

★methane recovery

★methane storage capacities

★methane utilization

★methane 甲烷 e.g. Methane in coal beds has historically been regarded as a hazard in coal mining; Although the hazard very much remains, methane has also been demonstrated to have large commercial value.

★micro and mesoporous structures

★micropore volumes

★mine ventilation e.g. They discuss key design concepts, monitoring, various types of ventilation schemes practiced in different countries - due to properties of coals or regulations - and limitations to ventilation for diluting methane effectively, such as excessive gas, humidity, air flow volume and pressure relationship.

★moisture content e.g. Moisture content decreases significantly with depth in some boreholes.

★moisture values e.g. Moisture values are around 20% (adb) at about 250m and decrease to about 10% (adb) towards the bottom of the well (~600 m).

★molar density

★molar mass

★mole fraction e.g. The simulation results confirm variations in the mole fraction of the produced gas components with time.

★molecular pore-network model

★multi-phase flow

★nanoporous media

★non-renewable fuel

★normalized producing concentration

★numerical reservoir

★octane 辛烷

★organic materials e.g. Organic materials are especially prone to physico-chemical changes with even the slightest increase in burial depth; the degree, rate and magnitude of change in the maturation of organic materials are mostly determined by temperature and time (Taylor et al.,1998).

★organic matter

★organic-rich shales

★permeability e.g. Permeability of coals increases as a result of gas desorption and pressure depletion during production; During this exercise, recorded bottom-hole pressure were honored and gas and water production rates were estimated by automatically varying parameters such as absolute permeability, porosity, drainage area, wellbore skin, etc; Absolute permeability for fractures required values that represent easting (X), northing (Y), and vertical (Z) directions.

★permeability model

★permeability test

★phase behavior

★point-wise e.g. For co-simulations, first primary variables were selected using a correlation analysis between normal scores of all possible coal reservoir parameters of fluid flow and storage and point-wise coal parameters.

★pore e.g. Pores in coal vary in size from microns to angstroms in dimension and cleat-features.

★pore matrices e.g. Determining the transport of CO2 within the model systems can be used to understand the complex pore matrices of coal and gas shale that are important to determining their potential for CO2 storage.

★pore networks

★pore surface chemistry

★pore walls e.g. Gas molecules constantly collide with each other and with pore walls.

★pore-network connectivity


★porous medium

★porous structure e.g. Molecular simulation studies were applied to model the porous structure of the lignite and gas shale samples.

★propane 丙烷

★proximate analysis e.g. A total of 111 samples were analyzed for proximate analysis (moisture, ash, volatile matter and fixed carbon by difference).

★pseudo-steady state

★reference compounds

★reference materials

★relative permeability functions e.g. In this study, Corey relative permeability functions were used. Thus, the parameters of gas and water relative permeability functions, such as the exponent of the water relative permeability curve (Nw), the exponent of the gas relative permeability curve (Ng), initial water saturation (Swi), and connate water saturation (Swc) were also changed between runs to adjust the shape of production curves to obtain a successful match.


★reservoir behavior

★reservoir model

★reservoir simulation

★reservoir attributes e.g. There are few documented cases of the effect of localized high heat flow on CBM reservoir attributes.

★reservoir geometry

★reservoir parameters e.g. Important reservoir parameters such as permeability, matrix block size, porosity, and contribution of the sorbed gas to gas production may be subject to history-matching analysis and therefore valuable information may be obtained by applying the results of this research.

★reservoir permeability e.g. Average reservoir pressure drops faster for the cases with higher reservoir permeability; This figure shows that C1 produces faster in more permeable reservoirs.

★reservoir temperature e.g. All isotherms were determined at reservoir temperature.

★sample cell e.g. As gas in the sample cell is adsorbed, there is a corresponding decrease in pressure that is proportional to the volume adsorbed.

★★samples e.g. These samples, upon arrival at the surface, were immediately wrapped in cling wrap, triple bagged in thick plastic bags, sealed and refrigerated (between 4-10℃) to prevent any loss of water. The samples were also analyzed for vitrinite reflectance, maceral composition and elemental (ultimate) analysis.


★sedimentary basin e.g. Similistically, in any sedimentary basin, the rank of coal beds will follow Hilt's Law, that is, the deeper the coal bed, the higher the rank (Thomas, 2007).

★sedimentary geology


★shale formations

★shale gas e.g. Other complexities of gas production in shale include gas sorption and diffusion processes. Thanks to advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, we have the ability to produce economically from these reservoirs. However, many challenges still lie ahead. These challenges include production data analysis and determination of effective reservoir permeability and matrix block size after hydraulic fracturing.

★shale gas recovery e.g. The work of Fathi et al. investigates the effect of gas adsorption and transport on CO2 injectivity for enhanced shale gas recovery.

★shale gas reservoir development

★shale gas reservoirs e.g. Shale gas reservoirs in the United States are vast and gas from these reservoirs is already contributing to U.S. fossil energy production.

★shale gas wells

★shale matrix e.g. The CS process occurs mainly in shale matrix, e.g., network of nanopores; A numerical model such as the one presented in this paper can be used to analyze producing gas composition variation to determine the average length of shale matrix or apparent permeability of the matrix.

★shale reservoirs e.g. Shale reservoirs are categorized as unconventional reservoirs because they are extremely tight, with pores in the range of nanometers and permeabilities in the range of nanodarcys.

★shale wells

★slip effects e.g. At typical reservoir pressures in conventional reservoirs, the apparent permeability is very close to the absolute permeability, and the slippage effect is negligible.

★slip flow

★slippage effect

★spatial variability

★★spatiotemporal modeling e.g. An extensive literature review related to application of different techniques to spatiotemporal modeling of coal resources is given in volume 112 of the International Journal of Coal Geology.

★specific emissions

★specific surface area e.g. It was further shown that Seelyville coals that had the largest specific surface area and largest mesopore volumes occurred at the shallowest depths, and the mineral-matter content influenced both specific surface area as well as mesopore and micropore volumes.

★split mode

★stratigraphic sample


★surrounding strata

★sustainable energy

★swelling behavior

★tectonic and hydrothermal activity

★tectonic development

★Tertiary age e.g. Sumatra and Kalimantan account for 99% of that coal production, all from Tertiary age coal seams.

★Tertiary basins e.g. The Tertiary basis in these two regions have an estimated resource in excess of 105 billion tons.

★thermogenic e.g. Methane derived from the chemical de-volatilization of coal is termed thermogenic.

★tight formations e.g. For example, desorption, a process that is dominant in CBM, also occurs in shale, and shale gas reservoirs can be described as tight formations, much like "tight gas" reservoirs.

★tight gas

★tight gas reservoirs

★tortuosity e.g. For a given permeability, the larger the tortuosity, the smaller the normalized producing more fraction of methane at early time.

★transport properties

★vitrinite reflectance e.g. The trends in virtrinite reflectance have correlations to other coal properties already discussed.

★volumetric strain

★water saturation

★water table level e.g. The other assumption is that the water table level in all wells is within 5-10 m of the ground level.


★wellbore configuration