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在学科服务工作中,笔者浏览了若干篇有关“工程地质”方面的英文文献,对其中题名为“Investigation of a pore pressure driven slope failure using a coupled hydro-mechanical model” ,“Practical design of rockfall catchfence at urban area from a numerical analysis approach”and “Development of globally applicable model for near real-time predication of seismically induced landslides”(Engineering Geology, Vol. 178, 21 August 2014, Vol. 172, 8 April 2014 and Vol. 173, 1 May 2014, respectively)等论文印象比较深刻,因为这些文章包含了有关“slope failure” ,“rockfall” 以及“landslide”现场观测与实验模拟方面的主要词汇。为此,笔者把文中相关词汇作了系统收集,有些还附上了例句(尽管approximately, linearly, significantly, slightly, perspective, comparison, “figure”等等并不是专业术语,也收集在其中,将有关例句附后,这是因为这些看似“不起眼”的副词、形容词和名词在相关论文写作中也发挥着重要的作用)。


★saturated soils

★seasonal pore pressure conditions

★seasonal affects

★seasonal fluctuations in embankment pore water pressures


★shallow angle

★shallow slips

★shear strength

★shear strength parameters e.g. In the second phase of the simulation, the shear strength parameters (c,f) were input into the model.

★shortcomings e.g. Despite the shortcomings in site data from a modelers' perspective, the situation was typical of current instrumentation practice for a problem slope.

★significantly e.g. These failures were sufficiently shallow that they did not significantly affect the overall stability of the slope.

★simulate e.g. Furthermore, a parametric study was conducted on the permeability to get the best fit between recorded and simulated data.

★site walkover survey

★slightly e.g. There was a drop in water levels with the simulation but this occurred slightly before the recorded drop and the magnitude was approximately half of that recorded. The water levels within the simulation recovered at approximately the same time as the recorded water levels but the water levels peaked at just below the previous high at slightly under 6 m AOD; "This showed that for the latter half of the simulation there was no significant increase in rainfall; there was actually a slight decrease."

★slip indicator readings

★slip mass e.g. Assuming an average failure depth of 6 m, the total estimated volume of the slipped mass was in excess 18,900m3.

★slip movement


★slope angle

★slope crest

★slope failure 边坡破坏

★slope geometry

★slope material properties e.g. The dynamic interaction between falling blocks and slope of the CRSP is calculated by empirically driven functions incorporating velocity, friction and slope material properties.

★slope stability analysis

★slope stability assessments e.g. The RS unit is suitable for testing both fully-softened shear strength and residual shear strength parameters that can be used for slope stability assessments of various scenarios.

★slope-stability methods

★slope toe

★slope value e.g. Median, minimum, and maximum slope values calculated from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevation data by Verdian et al. (2007) are used in tests of the model.

★soft clay

★soil bearing capacity e.g. Analysis of slopes, embankments, and soil bearing capacity, on the other hand, requires good estimations of shear strength from peak to residual.

★soil slope

★soil stiffness e.g. Calculation of foundation settlement, for instance, requires a good estimation of soil stiffness at relatively small strains.

★soil water characteristic curve e.g. There was limited information regarding the soil water characteristic curve of the materials.

★soil wetness


★steep slope e.g. The same was true for the steep slope entering the river.

★steep topographic slope e.g. Areas of steep topographic slope are often associated with active faulting and hence, likely areas of strong ground shaking.


★spatial distribution e.g. The spatial distribution of seismically induced landslides is dependent on certain physical characteristics of the area in which they occur.

★study area e.g. The study area is located along route 5 in the boroughs of Fort Lee and Edgewater, Bergen County, NJ where high level of cliff, 10 to 27 m high, exists along the road as shown in Fig.1; The paper discusses a fundamental geology and geomechanics of the study area first and then statistical rockfall analysis using Colorado Rock Fall Simulation Program has been performed to estimate the critical impact condition and the capacity of rockfall barrier system required. Finally, a series of three dimensional dynamic finite element analyes is performed to provide additional verification of the design criterion made by CRSP analysis and to suggest the detailed design parameters to accommodate specific field conditions.

★summarize e.g. The realistic and modeled root depth distributions are summarized in Fig.11 and vegetation properties are summarized in Table 3.

★surface boundary condition

★surface geology

★surface irregularity

★surface pore water pressure

★surface roughness

★swell-induced soil movements e.g. The developed correlations, along with the existing models, were then used to predict vertical soil swell movements of four case studies where swell-induced soil movements were monitored.

★swell-induced volume changes

★tailings e.g. Extraction of the targeted resource results in the concurrent production of a significant volume of waste material, including tailings, which are mixtures of crushed rock and processing fluids from mills, washeries or concentrators that remain after the extraction of economic metals, minerals, mineral fuels or coal; The volume of tailings is normally far in excess of the liberated resource, and the tailings often contain potentially hazardous contaminants; A priority for a reasonable and responsible mining organization must be to proactively isolate the tailings so as to forestall them from entering groundwaters, rivers, lakes and the wind.

★tailings dams e.g. It is therefore accepted practice for tailings to be stored in isolated impoundments under water and behind dams.

★tension crack of the slip

★tension cracks

★threshold e.g. For example, if we define 20% probability of a landslide to be the threshold, any probability equal to or greater than 20% will then be defined as a landslide prediction; By evaluating the percentage of true positives and true negatives from a model, we can decide upon the optimum-probability threshold for classification as a landslide prediction; this optimum value is in turn dependent upon the balance between high values of true positives and true negatives with low values of false positives and false negatives.

★time interval

★top boundary

★top of the slope

★topographic slope

★topographical survey

★unit weight data

★unsaturated hydrological properties

★unsaturated soils e.g. To date, however, there is very limited experimental evidence of unsaturated soil behavior under large deformations, and the corresponding residual shear strength properties, while the soil is being subjected to controlled-suction states.

★upper slope

★value e.g. Therefore low CTI values result from higher slope values and small drainage areas, whereas high CTI values result from lower slope values and larger drainage areas. Note that this value does not consider wetness contributed from the climate of an area, but is purely dependent on the topographic influence on wetness.


★volume change properties

★water level e.g. The Shetran simulation showed that there was no reason for such a large water level drop mid simulation and again no reason for a new higher water table during the latter half of the simulation; the low water levels occurred during the summer months, when evapotranspiration is highest; from the measured results it could be seen that an event took place which resulted in elevated water levels in the upper part of the lower slope; from Fig.16 it can be seen that the water levels below the upper slope increase by almost 4 m and the water levels at the BH105 location increase by just less than 1 m; such an increase corresponds to water levels in the latter period of monitoring.

★water level variance

★water regime e.g. From these preliminary analyses it could be seen that the water regime within the slope was governed by more than the surface processes investigated; therefore, a fully coupled hydromechanical model of the slope was run to see if any light could be shed on the pore water pressure regime.

★water table e.g. The report stated that this water table rise occurred as a result of heavy rainfall.