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在学科服务工作中,笔者浏览了若干篇有关“工程地质”方面的英文文献,对其中题名为“Investigation of a pore pressure driven slope failure using a coupled hydro-mechanical model” ,“Practical design of rockfall catchfence at urban area from a numerical analysis approach”and “Development of globally applicable model for near real-time predication of seismically induced landslides”(Engineering Geology, Vol. 178, 21 August 2014, Vol. 172, 8 April 2014 and Vol. 173, 1 May 2014, respectively)等论文印象比较深刻,因为这些文章包含了有关“slope failure” ,“rockfall” 以及“landslide”现场观测与实验模拟方面的主要词汇。为此,笔者把文中相关词汇作了系统收集,有些还附上了例句。尽管approximately, linearly, significantly, slightly, perspective, comparison, “figure”等等并不是专业术语,也收集在其中,将有关例句附后,这是因为这些看似“不起眼”的副词、形容词和名词在相关论文中也发挥着重要的作用。


★abundance e.g. The abundance of available water near the surface would reduce the depth that the tree roots would need to penetrate to find water.

★actual ground conditions on site

★angle e.g. The lower slope is inclined at angles generally below 10°; the upper slope presents a general slope angle below 35°degrees.

★approximately e.g. This weather station is located approximately 24 km from the site of the Belvoir slope; the timing of the modeled increase lags behind the timing of the observed water level increase by approximately two months.

★back analysis

★back analysis of the failure

★bare ground

★be referred to

★bottom boundary pore pressure e.g. The hydrological models were initially run with hydrostatic conditions from the beginning of January 2006 to the end of December 2008 with a bottom boundary pore pressure fixed to initial conditions.

★boulder clay

★breach e.g. A landslip which led to the breach of the sewer that runs through this area occurred immediately to the northeast of the site on 17th April 1989.

★case study e.g. Therefore restricting water uptake by roots to 0.5 m depth would reasonably simulate shallow variations of the phreatic surface in this particular case study.

★cemented paste backfill

★clay material

★climate parameters

★cohesion value

★comparison e.g. At BH104 the displacement increased and there was an improved comparison with the observed data. At location BH104 there was also a similar good comparison with the observed data.


★complex pore pressure distribution

★conceptual model e.g. A simplified conceptual model was developed in which the levels of the horizons were simplified in order to preserve element geometry with the Flat-tp flow program.

★constant e.g. This movement was subsequently recovered and the comparison is recovered also until January 2008, where the measured displacement rate increased, whereas the calculated rate remains constant. The levels of measured and calculated head are fairly constant throughout the period monitored.

★constructed and natural slopes


★contributor to the instability

★coupled hydro-mechanical model

★coupled unsaturated mechanical behavior

★crest of the slope


★discuss e.g. This is due to the water level being at the surface as discussed earlier; as discussed previously…

★dynamic discrete numerical analyses e.g. However, these limitations of the full scale tests have been partly resolved by dynamic discrete numerical analyses recently.

★displacement e.g. The displacement at this point were then re-set to zero; very large displacements were produced at the surface within the upper slope indicating shallow surface failures.

★earthquake magnitude e.g. The estimated distribution of shaking is in turn dependent on earthquake magnitude, fault location, and ground motion predication equations, as constrained by observed peak ground motion and intensity data.

★earthquake-induced landslide e.g. Mapped landslide data are available from various researchers in the field of earthquake-induced landslide research.

★earthquake-triggered landslides e.g. Ultimately, the success of this model depends on its ability to correctly predict locations of earthquake-triggered landslides.

★elastic-plastic deformation e.g. As opposed to rigid structures such as rocksheds and earthfill embankments, the rockfall catchfence is performed by dissipating impact energy through the elastic-plastic deformation in conjunction with energy dissipators.


★embankment model

★erosive action

★erosive activity

★erosive periods

★failing slope

★failure geometry

★failure mechanism

★failure plane

★failure surface


★field conditions

★Figure, Fig., e.g. It can be seen from Fig.12 that…; as shown in Fig.12; it seemed from this chart that…; the Sheltran simulation was supported by the rainfall data, which is also shown in Fig.12; the simulated water levels at location BH105 are plotted against the recorded water levels in Fig.13; Fig.14 shows the pore pressure variation within the made ground of the lower slope for both models after the pore pressure transfer.

★fit e.g. A parametric study conducted on the stiffness of the clay materials to get the best fit with the recorded displacement.

★fixed pore water pressure e.g. The model was then run with fixed pore water pressure to establish the mechanical equilibrium under self weight to be reached.

★friction angles e.g. The modeling was performed with an isotropic constitutive model where the soft clay was defined with friction angles varying from 18-22°and cohesion value was reduced to zero. The first simulations were run with maximum bulk and shear moduli and the maximum recorded soft clay friction angle of 22°.

★frictional coefficients

★frictional energy dissipators

★geological investigation

★geological layers

★geological model

★geology and geotechnical properties

★geosynthetic interfaces 土工合成材料界面 e.g. Progressive failure can occur along geosynthetic interfaces in lined waste landfills when peak strengths are greater than residual strengths.

★geotechnical model

★geotechnical parameters

★glacial deposits

★goodness-of-fit e.g. Performance of the regression model is assessed using statistical goodness-of-fit metrics and a qualitative review to determine which combination of the proxies provides both the optimum predication of landslide-affected areas and minimizes the false alarms in non-landslide zones.

★gradual transition

★ground investigation

★ground motion

★ground motion distribution e.g. We assume that the ShakeMap software provides a reasonably accurate estimation of the ground motion distribution for each earthquake, and the uncertainty in these calculation is inherently part of the uncertainty in the landslide model.

★groundwater levels

★high peak strengths

★hydro-mechanical model 流体力学模型 e.g. A more sophisticated coupled hydro-mechanical model based on Shetran and Flac-tp flow was used to determine the effect of fluctuations of pore pressures, rainfall and mechanical strains on slip movement.

★impact angles e.g. Fig.11 shows the results of frequency analysis for kinetic energy, impact velocity, bounce height and impact angle at the given analysis point of Sta. 3 + 38 m; The impact angles of the group A are widely distributed from 5°to 55°, whereas those of the group B range from 45°to 65°.

★impact energy e.g. …to estimate the direct relations between impact angles and impact energies.

★impact responses


★influential factor

★infrastructure slopes and cuttings

★initial coefficient

★initial failure

★initial friction angle



★intrusive dikes

★kinetic energy e.g. Fig. 12 presents a close relation between the impact angle and corresponding kinetic energy and bounce height.