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例如,笔者发现有些作者将“可持续发展”翻成“continuing development”或 “continued development”, 其实,如果留意英美刊物的话,我们发现“sustainable development”是“可持续发展”的最地道翻译。“能源安全”不可望文生义地翻成“energy safety”,而要译为“energy security”。

又如,“减排”要翻成“emission reduction”;“碳排放”需翻成“carbon emissions”(e.g. the United States said it would seek to cut emissions by 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025; All the G7 countries have now put forward our post-2020 targets for reducing carbon emissions, and we’ll continue to urge other significant emitters to do so as well.);“防灾减灾”的地道翻译应为“disaster prevention and mitigation”。

又如,将“无碳世界”和“无碳经济”分别翻成“no-carbon world”和“no-carbon economy”也没有什么大错,但其最地道的翻译应分别是“decarbonized world”和“decarbonized economy”(e.g. A decarbonized world is now irreversible, irrefutable; Decarbonization refers to shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, and improving energy efficiency, in order to cut planet-warming emissions to a net zero; To decarbonize economies, we will need to begin with extraordinary ambition at the end of this year)。

《习近平谈治国理政》是一本颇具影响的书,已翻译成多种语言在全球发行。我留意到该书的英文版本将“治国理政”译为“Governance of China”,非常简练,也十分得体。

现在中国涌现如火如荼的大众创业热潮。那么,如何将“大众创业”翻译成地道的英文?根据“大众创业”是指“中国大众借助中国改革的政策优势来创立起自己的家业,积累自己的有形资产和财富”之含义,“大众创业”可译为“mass entrepreneurship”。

我还留意到,香港警局的座右铭“服务为本 精益求精”之英文版本是 “We Serve with Pride and Care”。