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然而,参考文献格式并没有一个统一的“国际标准”,也就是说,不同的学术期刊对参考文献的格式要求也不尽相同。例如,我校邓军教授等发表在Fuel上的Determination and prediction on “three zones” of coal spontaneous combustion in a gob of fully mechanized caving face(Fuel, Volume 211, 1 January 2018, Pages 458-470)的参考文献的格式为“Feng Q, Zhang J, Zhang X, Wen S. Proximate analysis based prediction of grosscalorific value of coals: a comparison of support vector machine, alternating conditional expectation and artificial neural network. Fuel Process Technol 2015;129:120–9”;而发表在Procedia Engineering上的Study on Coal Spontaneous Combustion Characteristic Temperature of Growth Rate Analysis(Procedia Engineering, Volume 84, 2014, Pages 796-805)一文的参考文献格式为“DENG Jun, YANG Shu. Determination of coal sample spontaneous combustion tendency for Shuangyashan Jixian mine [J].Journal of Xi’an University of Science and Technology.2005.12(4)34-36”;而刊登在Process Safety and Environmental Protection上面的论文Thermal analysis of spontaneous combustion behavior of partially oxidized coal(Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Volume 104, Part A, November 2016, Pages 218-224)的参考文献格式却为“Zhang,Y.L.,Wu,J.M.,Chang,L.P.,Wang,J.F.,Li,Z.F.,2013.Changes in the reaction regime during low-temperature oxidation of coal in confined spaces.J.Loss Prev.Process Ind.26,1221–1229”。
