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除以“at a temperature of ”、“at temperatures of”、“at”等引出“temperature”之外,还有许多形形色色的“temperature”的实际用法。下面是笔者在浏览英文文献过程中看到的相关实例,供读者参考。

★Thus, sample Well-A-A002 was analyzed at a temperature of 42 ℃, Well A-A001 at 56 ℃ and Well A-A015 at 65 ℃.

★Thus, these natural CRB nontronites(绿脱石) are all likely to have formed at temperatures of <100°C.

★Decarreau and colleagues also observed smectite growth to be very slow except at elevated temperatures.

★From measurements of crystal growth at several temperatures, they derived an Arrhenius relationship for nontronite(绿脱石) formation, indicating that a ferric smectite with coherent domains100A in size should form in ~ 10 y at 25°C and in ~ 200 y at 2°C.

★The crystallinity of the synthetic nontronite increased with increasing temperature up to150°C, above which aegirine (NaFeSi2O6) formed rather nontronite.

★Application of these studies to nontronite formation from mafic precursors suggests that the formation of highly crystalline nontronite in nature may require long formation times at relatively low temperatures.

★The present study further investigated this synthesis by examining the crystallinity of a set of synthetic nontronite incubated at 23, 95, and 150°C.

★It cannot have occurred at temperatures above 100°C because liquid water in the open cracks would have escaped by boiling.

★Based on the oxygen isotopic composition of the Mururoa nontronites (Meunier et al., 2008, 2009), estimated formation temperatures were between 64 and 109°C,….

★On the atomic scale, the 95°C sample was clearly less well ordered than the natural nontronite samples or the 150°C sample.

★The experimental work of Decarreau et al. (2008) places a high-temperature limit of 200°C for the formation of the void-filling clays.

★… maximum burial temperatures of ~ 50°C.

★CRB nonotronite formation occurred at temperatures close to 100°C.

★In addition, the physical environment of CRB nontronites constrains their formation temperatures to be <100°C.

★The formation temperature of natural nontronite in the CRB can be constrained based on field observations.

★For a CRB nontronite precipitated in an open crack, the temperature of formation must have been below the boiling point of water.

★Jakobsson and Moore (1986) found that at 100°C palagonite formed a rim on basaltic glass at a rate of 2.8 um/y, and that this rate doubled with every 12°C increase in temperature. At temperatures>120°C, nontronite formed a rim on olivine crystals at a rate of 0.3 um/y; this rate doubled with every 8°C increase, but nontronite growth was not observed at lower temperatures. This growth rate is faster than the rates measured experimentally by Decarreau et al. (1987), but drops more rapidly with temperature.