“产能过剩”是指在计划期内,企业参与生产的全部固定资产,在既定的组织技术条件下,所能生产的产品数量,或者能够处理的原材料数量超出市场消费能力。产能过剩是世界许多国家都面临的共同问题,其根本原因是世界经济复苏乏力、国际贸易增长低迷和市场需求下降。去产能(de-overcapacity)、去库存(de-inventory)、去杠杆(de-leverage)已经成为中国供给侧结构性改革(supply-side structural reform)过程中的最热话题。
“产能过剩”通常译为“excess production capacity”,如“The Chinese finance minister said that China needs time to allow market forces to reduce excess production capacity”,或“overcapacity”,如“Speaking at the event's opening ceremony, Chinese President Xi Jinping promised action on reducing overcapacity”,又如“Overcapacity is a global problem brought on by weaker demand, and implementing policies to substantially reduce production in a range of sectors suffering from overcapacity, including steel and aluminum, is critical to the function and stability of international markets”。
也可将“产能过剩”译为“excess capacity”,如“China is no longer a centrally planed economy. We can't instruct businesses to do something. We will reduce excess capacity through market forces”。也有人将“产能过剩”译为“surplus production capacity”。
产能过剩产业或行业可译为“bloated industries”或“bloated sectors”,如“to move faster with plans to shrink bloated industries including steel excess capacity”,又如“The government announced plans this year to slash the size of its state-owned steel and coal industries. But plans for other bloated sectors, including aluminum, glass and solar panels, have yet to be announced.”
另外,“产业过剩”也可译为“industrial glut”,供给过剩“supply glut”。