党的十八届四中全会(4th plenary session of 18th CPC Central Committee)明确提出了全面推进依法治国的总目标、重大任务。全会提出,全面推进依法治国,总目标是建设中国特色社会主义法治体系,建设社会主义法治国家。在全会公报中出现了不少新“术语(语句)”,有些还是第一次提出。下面是十八届四中全会部分关键术语(语句)的英文翻译,供读者参考。
★中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第四次全体会议:4th plenary session of 18th CPC Central Committee
★建设社会主义法治国家:build a country under "the socialist rule of law"
★建设法治政府:build a law-abiding government
★巡回法庭:circuit courts, 例如: “最高人民法院设立巡回法庭:Supreme People's Court will set up circuit courts”.
★全面推进法治:comprehensively advance the rule of law
★跨行政区划人民法院:cross-administrative region courts, 例如: “探索设立跨行政区划人民法院和人民检察院,探索建立检察机关提起公益诉讼制度:the country will explore establishing cross-administrative region courts and procuratorates, and seek to allow prosecutors to file public interest litigation cases”.
★人权司法保障:protection of human rights in judicial procedures
★从符合条件的律师、法学专家中招录立法工作者、法官、检察官:recruit lawmakers, judges and prosecutors from qualified lawyers and law experts
★法治社会建设:building of a law-based society
★保证司法公正:ensure judicial justice
★确保党在中国特色社会主义法制建设中的领导地位:ensure the leadership of CPC in "the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics".
★形成中国特色社会主义法制服务体系:form a system serving "the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics"
★依法保障“一国两制”实践和推进祖国统一:guarantee the practice of "one country, two systems" and promote national reunification in line with laws
★提高司法公信力:improve judicial credibility
★加强队伍建设:improve team building
★提高司法体系的公信力:improve the credibility of judicial system
★完善中国特色社会主义法律体系:improve the socialist system of laws with Chinese characteristics
★政府重大决策合法性:legitimacy of major decision-making in governments
★重大决策终身责任追究制度:lifelong liability accounting system for major decisions
★依党规党纪管好自身:manage itself in line with Party rules and disciplines
★人民当家作主的权力:people's rights as the master of the nation
★政绩考核体系:performance appraisal system, 例如: “The effectiveness of implementing rule of law will be a significant index in judging the work of officials at various levels and will be added to their performance appraisal system”.
★推进依法执政:promote administration by law
★增强全民法律意识:promote public awareness of law
★增强全民法治观念:promote the public awareness of rule of law
★推进法制:promote the rule of law
★推进政府事务的透明度:promote transparency of government affairs
★建立领导干部干预司法活动、插手具体案件处理的记录、通报和责任追究制度:record officials who interfere in judicial cases and name them publicly to hold them accountable
★责任倒查机制:retrospective mechanism to hold people accountable for wrong decisions
★依法治国:rule the country in line with the law
★保障司法公正:safeguard judicial justice
★党在推进法制中的领导:CPC's leadership in pushing forward rule of law
★加快法制政府建设:speed up the building of a law-abiding government
★依法管理国家和社会事务:state and social affairs be handled in line with law
★加强宪法实施:strengthen the implementation of the Constitution