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在这个“大众创业,万众创新”(mass entrepreneurship and innovation)时代,“创新驱动发展”(innovation-driven development, that is, development driven by innovation)是一条在媒体最流行、出现频次最高的词组。笔者近几个月浏览了若干相关英文文章,关注到了“-driven”之广泛应用。下面是笔者从英文媒体看到的“-driven”有关的词组及例句,在此与读者分享。

★innovation-driven development strategy e.g. China will continue to implement the strategy of innovation-driven development and promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation(大众创业,万众创新), said a statement issued Monday after the Central Economic Work Conference.

★clean energy-driven economic development

★culture-driven economy e.g. Chinese and Italian companies celebrate 45 years of culture-driven economic ties.

★digital economy-driven growth e.g. The digital economy has become the most powerful engine to drive China's economic development.

★domestic demand and consumption-driven development

★innovation- and consumption- driven development pattern

★innovation-driven development

★internet+-driven e-commerce economy

★investment- and export-driven development model

★investment- and export-driven model e.g As the country is undergoing an upgrade of its development pattern from an investment- and export-driven model to one driven by innovation and consumption, China has announced a range of measures for emerging businesses, including financial support, supporting infrastructure and administrative assistance.

★IT-driven economic development

★new growth engines e.g. Reform and innovation will inspire creativity and new growth engines while facilitating upgrading in traditional industries and growth in emerging ones, said the statement.

★reform and innovation-driven economic development

★renewable energy-driven development

★renewable energy-driven economic development

★tourism-driven economy